Christmas party day (and first day of rehearsals in Kilmarnock)
/Today was the first day of rehearsals in Kilmarnock - we can't believe how fast that's come round!
Ok, so it's still November, but having a christmas party now isn't as daft as it seems. On Monday 16th, three head office staff (Steve, Hayley and Chris) head off to Panto Land - Steve goes to Crewe then Halifax to direct both shows, and Hayley and Chris head to Loughborough.
Then Phil and Ian will spend almost all their time from now until mid-December in our stores in Redditch, leaving Sarah, Lou and Ray to man the fort in the office.
So to give everyone a good send off and to wish them all good luck for the season, we had our Christmas party... on 12th November!
Santa brought silly presents for everyone too! we've uploaded loads more photos onto our facebook page and if you click here you can find the photos. otherwise, here's some to be going on with.
Cracker tug of war.
Party poppers
Iain's rubber band gun!
Steve's rubber chicken chucker
Phil's turn to swtich the tree lights on!