Our busiest day yet?
/In the offices (15 in total today!) - Steve, Sarah, Louise and Ray in the offices, Phil, Ian and Chris on stores and technicals, Debbie and Sophie on props, Dawn and Karen on Wardrobe, David Thomas is in from Crewe, Rob Marsden and Simon Butcher in from Porthcawl, and Jess our cleaner is in too!
Our props team at work - Debbie makes a pram...
...while Sophie makes a slosh gun.
We dressed Louise up in a suit of armour (don't ask why!)...
... and then the phone rang, so we couldn't resist taking a photograph of her!
The new 'finale walkdown' dress arrived for Crewe this morning so we dressed Phil up in it - and then embarrassed him by taking a team photo surrounding him!!
And Chris was very excited today when his mains-operated 'flame effects' arrived, which will form part of the fire in the kitchen for Halifax.