Eden Court Panto Cast Announced

Eden Court are delighted to be able to announce their full cast for this year’s gigantic family pantomime Jack and the Beanstalk.

Once again Steven Wren will be both directing and starring in the show as Dame Trot as well as being the lead scriptwriter. The hilarious Ross Allan returns to play Jack with Marj Hogarth as the Fairy and joining the team this year are Chris O’Mara as the villainous Foosty McScunner, Graham MacKay-Bruce as the King and Jennifer Neil as Jill.

Ross Allan is delighted to be returning to Eden Court, and in particular to be playing the title character. “It is great that I get to play Jack – hopefully it means I get the girl this year. My only reservation is that I'm slightly scared of heights so no idea how I'll cope with the beanstalk!”

“I love working with the multi-talented Steven Wren!! It never really feels like work when you get the chance to work with friends, and we get on really well together both on stage and off.”

New to the Inverness panto team this year, Chris O’Mara cannot wait for his first appearance at the venue. “This is the first time I’ve performed at Eden Court, but the theatre’s reputation precedes itself! I performed in many amateur pantomimes when I was younger but last year was my first professional panto, playing the Prince and the Beast in Beauty and the Beast. It was so much fun - there is no better feeling in live performance than having an audience shout at you, and you’re allowed to shout back!!”

“I am really looking forward to playing a baddie I think it’s every performer’s dream to have hundreds of children booing and hissing at you on stage!! I’m so looking forward to becoming the villain, that I’ve been scowling at children I pass in the street, evil laughing whenever I see someone trip up, and stealing sweets from babies! But seriously, I’m thrilled to have the chance to switch it up and become the bad guy for a change!”

Steve Boden, Managing Director of Producer’s Imagine Theatre, says “we are thrilled to have Steven Wren and Ross Allan back as they work so well together on stage and the Eden Court audience love them. Having played the baddie in her last few appearances I can’t wait to see Marj playing the goodie for once! We have a great cast with an hilarious script, not to mention a fantastic giant, so we promise another fabulous show this festive season.”

Jack and the Beanstalk runs from Tuesday 4 Dec until Sunday 6 January 2018.

For more information or to book tickets call the Eden Court box office on 01463 234234 or visit the website