Getting ready for the Panto Season 2010
/Repainting one of our Cinderella coaches...
Ok, so today may be the final day of performances for the two Imagine pantos of the 2009 season that are still open (Loughborough and Inverness) but that doesn't mean work stops at Imagine. We're already well underway with planning for the 2010 season. Here's some of the things we're currently working on....
- Performance schedules for all our 2010 productions.
- Artwork, posters and flyers.
- Marketing plans, photo shoot dates and babes auditon dates.
- Planning of which sets, special effects, props and costumes we will use for our own 2010 shows so we know what is left to hire out to other producers and theatres.
- Post production meetings from the 2009 season, and preliminary pre-production meetings for 2010.
- Creating a massive Gantt chart of all the activities due to take place in 2010, their deadlines and who is responsible in the team.
- Recording any set, props, special effects and costume damage that may have occured during the season so we can sort repairs and recharges.
So it's true what we say - at Imagine, pantomime isn't just for Christmas, it's for every day of the year! Oh yes it is! ;O)