Behind the scenes in the Imagine offices
/L-R Phil (Stores Assistant), Ian (Stores Manager), Sarah's plate (Business Manager - Sarah, not the plate, obviously!), Chris (Technicals), Louise (Production Assistant) and Steve (Executive Producer).
Don't say we don't lunch in style at Imagine - Chilli, beans, tortillas and cheese on toast was the order of todays lunch - we always try and have lunch together for a break and a good catch up on the gossip! ... And while we ate, we realised that the six of us had a combined age of 184! Answers on a postcard to guess the breakdown of who is what age!
Steve, Chris and Sarah are busy with Panto prep, Steve is sorting casting contracts...
...Chris is sorting sound equipment...
...and Sarah's doing the accounts.
Lousie is managing the babes' auditions paperwork.
Ian and Phil are in the stores sorting sets (this one is for Aladdin at the Shaw Theatre, London).