The final lorry of costumes returns to our costume store in York
/Our friend Pete, from midland Express couriers, turns up to take the final batch of costumes up to Dawn, our costume mistress, who is based in York.
These are the costumes from Dick Whittington, at the Belgrade Theatre, Coventry.
Ian and Phil load the costumes onto the lorry.
And finally, all our pantos are closed, Ray has recovered from REALLY nasty flu, and the WISH office team is all back together and working to close down this season and start the next one.
From L-R the team are;
Ray Morrison (Accounts, contracts and just-generally-brilliant-and-very-usefully-good-at-everything person)
Steve Boden (The boss - and quite a clever and creative chap although don't let him know we told you, OK? Also produced all our pantos and directed Porthcawl)
Louise Redmond (Production Assistant, Choreographer at Crewe and generally fab person)
Ian Plimbley (Stores Manager and Production Manager on Crewe and Porthcawl pantos)
Chris Ball (Technical Manager and Sound Designer and Op at Loughborough)
Sarah Boden (That's me! Generally very busy person running around like an idiot! Oh, and I'm the one who has to pay all the bills...)
Phil Roe (Stores Assistant and the new boy to the team - hope you enjoyed your first season with us, Phil! We've loved working with you)
Pete Varney (the secret lynch pin of the operation and the one we couldn't do it without. Runs Midland Express couriers and has spent the last 8 weeks being our runner all over the country. Thanks so much Pete - you're our hidden hero! x)
There's one person missing off this photo - Dawn Outhwaite, who runs our wardrobe. Another unsung hero, who, at the time of taking the above photo, was up to her knees in knickers and nighties... also known as the huge mountain of costumes that we'd returned to her just 3 days earlier! Thank you so much Dawn. Is this a good time to tell you just how many costumes are due to go out for next season, already???? x