Cinderella - Leicester 2014
- De Montford Hall, Leicester Granville Road Leicester, LE1 7RU United Kingdom (map)

The 2014 pantomime at De Montfort Hall, Leicester will be Cinderella. It runs from Saturday 13th December 2014 to Sunday 4th January 2015.
Take a look at our Facebook photo album for more photos from behind the scenes of our pantomime.
What would the cast of Cinderella at the DeMontfort Hall, Leicester wish for if they had a Fairy Godmother and find out why they are looking forward to spending Christmas in Leicester.
Cinderella at De Montford Leicester opens tonight and runs to Sunday 4th January 2015. Take a peek at the productions photos.
The cast of Cinderlla at De Montford Hall, Leicester had some fun today at the cast photo shoot - take a look to see what they got up to!
We are delighted to have a fabulous cast for Cinderella with CBeebies' Alex Winters playing Buttons, the hilarious Kulvinder Ghir as Baron Hardup, and Tony Whittle and Rina Fatania both back by popular demand.
Thank you to all those who auditioned. It was a great turnout and the standard was fabulous.
- Posted in 2014 Season
- Tagged 2014 Leicester, Cinderella
A massive thank you to all involved in the production.