Imagine Theatre Ltd are Consultants to Warwick District Council. Royal Spa Centre, Leamington Spa for this production
The 2010 pantomime at the Royal Spa Centre, Leamington Spa is Mother Goose. It runs from 10th December 2010 - 3rd January 2011.
Follow all the panto news on our dedicated Facebook photo album and more information is also available on the new look Spa Centre website and the pantomime blog.
The panto is now closed
3rd January 2011
A MASSIVE thank you to everyone who was involved in Mother Goose! The panto is now closed
Most importantly, thank you to our audience for supporting us. We hope you had a great time and that you join us for Sleeping Beauty in 2011/12!
What the audience thought!
15th December 2010
Take a look what the audience reaction was like after the first evening show!
The reviews are out!
14th December 2010
Read what The Stage thought of the show.
And here's what the Leamington Courier thought of the show...
The production photos are out
14th December 2010
Visit our facebook album (link above) for more photos.

The panto is in rehearsal!
29th November 2010
The cast has gathered. The costumes and props have arrived. The blocking and choreography has started! The panto is under way! Have fun to all who are involved. x
Neil and Priscilla turn on the Leamington Lights
21st November 2010
More photos are available on our facebook album (link above).
The panto radio advert is recorded
4th November 2010
Neil Bull from the panto cast popped into the studio to record the advert.
4 weeks until rehearsal!
2nd November 2010
With just four weeks to go until the first rehearsal, preparations are in full swing for Mother Goose! Music tracks are being recorded, costumes worked on and golden eggs are being glittered!
The Babes are cast
11th September 2010
What a great turn out for Leamington Spa's first set of open babes auditions for over 12 years! Thank you to all who turned out. The standard was so high! Well done to the 20 babes plus reserves who got into the panto. We can't wait to work with you! x
Some of the babes on the steps of the Royal Spa Centre, having their photo taken for the press.
More about the panto launch!
27th August 2010
Some of the cast of Mother Goose get together in Jephson Gardens in Leamington Spa for the panto launch photos. Jonty Owen plays Mother Goose, Mike Royce plays the Demon King, Jenny Phillips plays Jill and Neil Bull plays Archie Goose.
First panto launch photo is out
21st August 2010
The first photo of our panto cast is now available on the Spa Centre's facebook page.
Most of the cast is announced
18th August 2010
Jonty Owen plays Mother Goose
Katie Lavelli plays the Fairy
Neil Bull plays Archie Goose
Mike Royce plays Demon Discontent
Jenny Phillips plays Jill Skinflint
William Finkenrath plays Baron Skinflint and King of Gooseland
And not pictured, Amy Foreman plays Priscilla Goose.
Panto Launch Videos
16th August 2010
Here is a brief video introducing some of the panto cast.
And meet Mike Royce who plays the Demon King. He's being interviewed by Neil Bull about his role in the panto and his background in previous pantos in the area.