Pantomime cast at the show finale in blue, green and white costumes

Building on a legacy of family entertainment stretching back over 25 years, multi award winning Imagine Theatre are one of the biggest pantomime producers in the UK, having produced more than 240 pantomimes in our history and in addition each season we hire out our sets, props, costumes and special effects to theatres and production companies across the UK.

We have received 20 nominations in the past 2 years at the UK Pantomime Association Awards, winning five including Best Pantomime - 900 seats and over (Swansea Grand), Best Set (Swansea Grand), Best Newcomer (Vernon Kay, Wycombe Swan), Best Ugly Sisters (Belgrade Coventry) and Best Lighting (Swansea Grand)

Details of our 2024 Christmas season can be found here - we’re producing 20 pantomimes and 3 UK Tours of our Santa show.

We pride ourselves on producing strong story-based pantomimes across the UK with the fabulous sets, spectacular costumes and amazing special effects providing a fantastic, festive family experience. Come and experience it for yourself at a theatre near you!

2024 Pantomimes

In addition to our pantomimes, Iain Lauchlan and Imagine Theatre produce a series of Santa shows for 2-6 year olds. Combining fun characters, favourite action songs, a great story and a chance to meet Santa and receive a gift from him, our Santa shows are a great pre-Christmas treat!

2023 Santa Shows >

Are you producing a pantomime or, indeed, any theatre production? Do you need scenery or a complete set? Costumes? Props? Special Effects? We'd love to work with you! Take a look at our vast collection and get in touch to see how we can help your production shine.

Hire Shop ›

Just Imagine - a podcast series from Imagine Theatre, one of the biggest pantomime producers in the world. With our host Martin Ballard we'll find out what makes Imagine Theatre tick, and how they manage to put on so many productions all at the same time!

Podcast >

Black and white photos of pantomime in rehearsal

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You can find us on social media or you can contact us directly: